الأربعاء، 27 أبريل 2016


طريقة التعامل مع ريفوند في شوبيفاي

Unknown بتاريخ

الاسبوع اللي فات جاني واحد البريد الالكتروني من عند واحد الزبون طالع ليه الخز ...
القصة : المنتوج شريتوا ب 8.5$ وبعتوا ليه ب 31$
المنتوج بديتو تقريبا ف بداية الشهر بعت منه تقريبا بمعدل 20/25 قي النهار وهذا اول المحتجين واصلا 0 disputes
مني وصلو قال ما عجبوش.. هاهي التبادلات نتشاركها معكم، يقدر يفيد شي واحد
ملحوظة : الزبون ما زال مادارش dispute غير صيفط ايمايل ..
إليكم جميع التبادلات
Bonne lecture à tous, vos avis sont les bienvenus
Customer: first mail
This item is complete garbage and nowhere near as advertised. I need a refund.
Sent from my iPhone
كاتشوف هادشي كاتقول صافي تناكت ... غادي نرجع ليه فلوسوا...
ولكن ماعنديش disputes هاد الشهر أجي نمشي معاه بعيد 😂😂😂😂
My first answer : calm down baby, we are professionals here
Hi Mr. xxxx,
Thank for your email and for your feedback.
First of all, we will need you to use a more convinient langage please.
Second, please mention your order number and what was the product you have ordered.
If you think the description was different of what you expected, please explain clearly what is the problem in a clear reclamation and our service will treat your problem quickly.
Kind regards,
غادي يكون شاف هاد المايل ما لهم والو ... قال واقيلا عيقت شوية 
Customer's second email :
Order number 1421. It is the xxx. The material is way too coarse and not comfortable and cheaply made. I'm not satisfied with it at all. The advertisement made it seem so much better. Definitely. It is not worth $30
باين لاصق في الريفند، انا اصلا كانجرب المنتوج ولكن هذا صدق بالزربة غادي شوية على الله، المهم أجي نجرو منوا شي لعيبة
Customers relations : second mail 😂😂😂
Thanks for your answer :
Seems to be your personnal opinion. More than 1000 clients are satisfied with it and even made positive reviews you can read on our website.
Anyway, let's find a solution. I have two propositions:
- if you want to keep it : I can offer up to 25% discount and make a refund for this amount
- if you want to return it in the original package : I will provide an address in the US and you can send it there and get a full refund. We will need a tracking number and a photo showing it has not been damaged.
Is one of these solutions satisfying ?
اصلا، ماعندي لا عنوان ف US لا والو غير شيرت عليه باش يبان ليه داكشي صعييييب
Customer :
What about 75% refund
هاااااااا.... أجي لعندي الحبيبة 😂😂😂
Customer relations, very serious
Thank you for considering a middle way solution.
I am affraid that your proposition will cause a loss for us. At this rate (75%) we would prefer a return.
Our margin is way less than 75% and we cannot afford such a loss. We prefer to get it back in its original package as per our return policy. I am pretty sure that someone else could be happy with it.
We have sold 88 just yesterday and our return rate is less than 2%.
Here is our final offer : a refund of 15$. We are making this offer taking into consideration the cost of this product and shipping cost we support on behalf of our customers.
I believe this is a fair deal and hope you can accept it.
Customer ...
Ok i agree to 15$
الدرس المستفاد
Even when it seems tnaket, it is not tnaket completely.. you can make it a partial tnaket 😂😂😂
وبه وجب الاعلام والسلام

طريقة التعامل مع ريفوند في شوبيفاي
تقييمات المشاركة : طريقة التعامل مع ريفوند في شوبيفاي 9 على 10 مرتكز على 10 ratings. 9 تقييمات القراء.

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